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AHEPA Celebrates Greek Independence Day With Luncheon



Thank you for your help today.  Great parea and participation.


I'd like  to recognize the following Brothers in particular:


Pete Nassos- wine donation

Sandy - Mezze


Kitchen Crew: Ted Pruitt, John Boosalis, Jerry Stewart, Ted Kipreos, Pete Kipreos, Andy Kostopoulos, Walt Weimar, Tim Samouris,  George Kakunes, Nick Economy (great sauce & salads), Costa Panos (wine service), Dimitri Mazacoufa (kitchen & resolution), Gus Hazifotis (resolution), Manuel Petkas (resolution frame)

Panos Kipreos (picture taker), Mike Balsomides (resolution frame)


If I've overlooked anyone, my sincere apologies and thank everyone again for making this a successful community gathering and ML Chapter event.


Kai tou  xrono,



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