Chapter 1 - The Mother Lodge
Atlanta, Georgia
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association
AHEPA Mother Lodge Members attend On Sacred Ground Fundraiser Luncheon
Sunday, February 28, 2016 the Atlanta Community came together following Divine Liturgy to raise funds for the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine. The luncheon and auction theme, "On Sacred Ground" featured the inspiring words of guest speaker, Anthoula Katsimatides. AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter #1 President, Charlie Burland presented $5,000 on behalf of the Chapter to event co-sponsor representative, Ladies Philoptochos President, Voula Giannakopoulos. The Mother Lodge Chapter has committed an additional $20,000 in support of this important AHEPA National Project initiative.
AHEPA Mother Lodge and District Officers gather at the "On Sacred Ground" Luncheon benefitting the St. Nicholas Church and National Shrine at Ground Zero (l to r): District #1 Governor Pete Nassos, PDG Ted Kipreos, Mother Lodge (ML) Chapter President Charlie Burland, Gus Hatzifotis, District Secretary Harry Kipreos (back), Jim Gilmer, Dr. Victor Polizos (event emcee), ML Chapter Secretary Steven Panayioto, District Treasurer John Shinas (back), Jerry Stewart, and Gus Plagianis.