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AHEPA Mother Lodge recognizes Annunciation Cathedral 2015 Greek School Graduates

Monday May 18th, 2015 marked the recognition of Annunciation Cathedral’s three newest Greek School graduates (Andreanna Kitas, Nickolas Kostopoulos and Nicolas Moore), who each presented solo recitals, and received $25 cash awards from AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter 1 Treasurer Walt Weimar for their career of achievement in Hellenic studies.  In the past, AHEPA Chapter 1 has similarly recognized the Greek language program at Annunciation Cathedral, whose well-regarded director Michelle Constantinides and excellent teachers (including “senior” class instructor Maria Sharp) are to be commended for fostering AHEPA principles such as Education, Hellenism, and Individual and Family Excellence.


AXIOS to the entire Annunciation Cathedral Greek School family, including these successful 2015 graduating students!

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