Chapter 1 - The Mother Lodge
Atlanta, Georgia
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association

Supreme Governor Gus Paras Visits
On Tuesday November 15th, the brothers of AHEPA Mother Lodge 1 and AHEPA Chapter 519, Marietta, were honored with the visitation of Supreme Governor Gus Paras of Tampa Florida.
Supreme Governor Pappas reminded the chapters of the importance of AHEPA and is proud to be visiting Atlanta as the founding city of AHEPA, and recalled the tough environment that the founding members lived and contended with. Supreme Governor Paras also commended the founding members as being able to form an organization such as AHEPA, especially without previous experience in forming and running organizations.
The discussion also included the importance of AHEPA in the founding of many churches throughout the south as well as the rest of the country. In addition, scholarships being a key foundation of the AHEPA organization and its importance in influencing the lives of the youths of our communities.
Supreme Governor Paras also urged the chapters to continue the outreach to scholarship recipients, and the youth of our communities to welcome them to AHEPA and remind them all that AHEPA does.
Supreme Governor Paras also introduced his +1 program where he implored all brothers to bring one friend, family member to AHEPA to join. This program would help drive new membership and more involvement by the other members of our communities.
District Governor Steve Nickolson also visited us that night and discussed membership, and the importance of getting all dues current. as well as thanking Mother Lodge #1 for it's continued leadership. Supreme Governor Nikolson also reminded the members that we get back what we put into our organization and that the effort is worth it, and wants our continued efforts.
AHEPA Mother Lodge #1 President Charlie Burland thanked the brothers for coming, as well as thanking Supreme Governor Paras, and District Governor Steve Nickolson for visiting, and brother Sandy Papadopoulos
Pictured Supreme Governor Gus Paras at Athens Pizza.