Chapter 1 - The Mother Lodge
Atlanta, Georgia
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association
AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 Educational Fund Awards $75,350 In Scholarships
On Sunday, June 4, 2017 the AHEPA Educational Fund was joined by 225 family members, friends, and members of the AHEPA family for the presentation of the 31st Scholarship Awards Ceremony at the Parish Life Center of the Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Marietta, Georgia.
Pictured: Lee Durbetaki receiving Distinguished Service Award from Tom Kantsios
Historic St. Barbara's Chapel at Greenwood Cemetery repaired by Atlanta AHEPA Family
During the first weekend in June, Sons of Pericles Adelphi Chapter 53 volunteers under the direction of former president Michael Lambros, AHEPAN George Kakunes, and Annunciation Cathedral Parish Council’s Stacie Nefos and Dimitri Shreckengost came together at historic St. Barbara’s Chapel overlooking the hallowed Greek Orthodox section of Greenwood Cemetery, just west of downtown Atlanta to complete a critical project involving exterior wall repairs, installation of underground drainage, and placement of beautiful new landscaping beside the chapel.
AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter 1 fulfills Diakonia Center $25K Eco-Lodge pledge
AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter 1 President Charlie Burland presents His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta a check concluding the Chapter's $25,000 commitment in funding construction of an Eco-Lodge Cabin at the Diakonia Retreat Center in Salem, SC.
Decorated WWII Veteran and AHEPA Brother Receives Award
99 Year Old AHEPAN Brother and WW II Veteran, George T. Demas, Sr. (front center), member of the 82nd Airborne Division and three time Purple Heart recipient, was presented a recognition award by fellow US Army member and Supreme Treasurer, Carl R. Hollister during the South East Leadership Conference held in Atlanta, November 14, 2015. AHEPA Supreme President John Galanis (2nd from left) along with Secretary, George E. Loucas (center rear) were on hand the event. Flanking the group is District 1 Governor, Pete Nassos (left) and Mother Lodge Chapter 1 President, Charlie Burland (right).
AXIOS, Brother George!!
Sons of AHEPANS face off in memorable college baseball game
Jacob Gassert and Greg Vourloumis, playing for the LaGrange Panthers and Maryville Scots respectively, faced off in a memorable 15-inning game. Although on opposing teams, the two were sportsmanlike and ultimately showed that we are all on the same team.
AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 helps Ladies Philoptochos in Vasilopita Auction benefitting St. Basil's Academy
"Brothers of the AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 and the Annunciation Cathedral's Golden Group gathered Sunday, January 10th to cook southern style fare as part of the Ladies Philoptochos Annual Vasilopita Auction.
AHEPA Mother Lodge #1 & Empty Stocking Fund
AHEPA ML #1 continues its long standing community support (37th year!) of the Empty Stocking Fund (ESF) and the JROTC of North Atlanta High School. The ESF is an 89-year old, Atlanta based, Atlanta serving nonprofit that provides gifts to more than 50,000 metro area children living in poverty each Holiday season.
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